2023 Áְſ롤»ó¾÷¿ë¡¤»ê¾÷¿ë ·çÇÁž ž籤¹ßÀü ÃßÁøÀü·« ÄÁÆÛ·±½º
2023.10.27 11:20 ~ 2023.10.27 12:0

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Installation Strategies of rooftop PV solutions for the industrial, urban, and residential

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⦁ Introduction to industrial, urban, and residential solar solutions : Through the introduction of the features and strengths of PV energy solutions that can be applied in various environments, we emphasize the social motivation and importance for sustainability energy
⦁ Application cases of industrial solar systems : Understanding the current situation in the industrial solar power market and introducing examples of applying solar roofs and solar roof renewal in industrial complexes and large factories
⦁ Energy innovation in urban spaces through PV systems : Addressing urban challenges, especially those related to electric vehicle charging, and presenting EV charging system
⦁ The necessity of residential PV systems : Introducing residential solar systems considering the characteristics of apartment-type residential structures in Korea and presenting the applicability to private housing.